Why does hair fall out?

Why does hair fall out?
The simplest reasons can be divided into two groups. Partly things that we ourselves influence, i.e. stress, diet and how we treat the hair with a hairdryer, brush etc. Partly causes that are purely medical, such as hormonal or hereditary causes and menopause.
What is natural hair loss - and when is it abnormal?
We have a natural hair loss that is part of the hair's rejuvenation process. Hairs are found e.g. on the pillow, in the shower and in the sink. If you collect adding these up over a number of days and counting them, the rule of thumb is that if it's up to 100 hairs per day on average, it's perfectly normal. However, if it exceeds this, it may be a sign of an abnormal condition. Another way to determine the quality of the hair is if 85% of the hair grows (85% of hair roots are active) so you don't have abnormal hair loss.
Hair loss that we can influence and reduce
If you stress your hair , this can lead to increased hair loss. Stress then means e.g. coloring the hair, intensive brushing or if you use a blow dryer or flat iron often. Both chemicals and mechanical impact can therefore increase hair loss. A lack of vitamins and minerals can also contribute to increased hair loss. Just general hair loss (when the hair does not fall out in isolated places, but falls out evenly distributed) can be a sign that the hair roots lack important vitamins and minerals. You know e.g. that biotin, niacin and zinc contribute to preserving the hair's normal properties.
Clinical studies show reduced hair loss
The effect of good nutritional supply to the hair roots and how this affects hair loss has been studied. Among other things, it has been possible to show that hair loss in connection with with washing decreases by 30% while the strength of the hair increases by 12%. At the same time, both shine and luster were improved.
Hormonal hair loss
Hormonal, hereditary causes of hair loss are also very common, especially from the age of 30 onwards also during menopause with symptoms such as thinner hair with reduced elasticity. The hair also becomes thinner, which is mainly noticeable on the top of the head. Doctors (dermatologists) can easily determine if the hair loss is due to hormonal causes by blood test.