The road to stronger and more beautiful hair

How to get thicker and stronger hair - Natural tips and advice
Few are blessed with thick hair and shiny hair. Much of our identity as women is in our hair. But there are help - and completely natural - ways to help the hair on the trot. With the right care, diet and care, you can minimize wear and tear and strengthen your hair from root to tip. Here are the best tips for getting thicker hair.
The structure of the hair
Hair consists of two parts: the root and the straw itself. In the root there are cells called pigment cells, which produce the substance melanin that gives the hair its color. The hair consists mostly of keratin, a protein that is also found both in the skin and in the nails. The hair roots play a central role in hair growth, it is where the hair cells are built up.
Provide the right conditions
For your hair to become strong, thick and last a long time, you must provide it the right conditions - both in terms of nutrition and care - to grow strongly already at the root.
Massage the scalp
Massaging the scalp is a good way to stimulate growth. The massage stimulates the blood circulation which starts the growth of the hair in the hair follicles. But be gentle so you don't rub and tear your hair. Have patience! It takes time for the hair to grow and change, so count on three to four months before evaluating the results.
Use Hårkontroll Boost
You know that Hårkontroll Boost contains a keratin that binds to the natural keratin of the hair root and in this way you also get help to get stronger, thicker and more beautiful hair. Read more about Hair control Boost